Activities To Help Dyscalculia At Home If Math Seems Impossible
Activities to help dyscalculia at home. Dyscalculia is a learning disorder that is similar to dyslexia but is not as well-known. While those who suffer from dyslexia have a hard time with letters, those with dyscalculia have problems with numbers and calculations. Dyscalculia affects the ability to do simple calculations more than complex problems like geometry, but there are some activities to help dyscalculia at home.

Activities to help dyscalculia at home
There are lots of children who have problems with math, but it may be due to different causes, explains psychologist Jaime Bermeosolo: “The vast majority of children with math problems have difficulties in it that obey the natural methodological mistakes, or a lack of motivation in math class, but they don’t have dyscalculia. Dyscalculia is a specific developmental disorder, with a biological basis, that seriously affects math learning”. Before thinking that your child has dyscalculia, give them the dyscalculia test.
To treat dyscalculia in children, teachers and parents need to work together. It’s important that the concepts from class are reinforced at home. There are a series of activities that you can do at home that will help your child learn things like quantity and numbers, and help them with simple math problems.
Daily routine activities to help dyscalculia at home
You may want to take advantage of some daily activities to help dyscalculia at home, for example:
-Help in the kitchen and grocery shopping: when you’re cooking, you can ask them to help you count the ingredients. You can also ask them to make the grocery list, writing down the things you need. If you bring the child with you to the supermarket, they can count the items that you put in the basket.
-Setting the table: teach them how to set the table. When they put down the plates and silverware, they will learn sets of groups and how things correspond to each other.
-Count cars: when you’re on the way to school or sports practice, you can count all the cars that are the same color. You’ll be helping your child sequence and remember numbers. A similar game is to look for all the numbers you can find while you’re out walking around. Ask them to find numbers on signs, license plates, houses… It will help them learn their numbers.

Activities to help dyscalculia at home
Activities to help dyscalculia at home
You can also use games as activities to help dyscalculia at home that you can play with the whole family. This way your child will be having fun and learning, which is the best way to learn! There are a ton of fun activities to help your child improve the areas that give them the most problems.
It’s important to have fun and active games and exercises to help the child learn, without highlighting the fact that they have a problem with numbers. “Parents should never center attention of the child’s difficulty, because this will only increase the problem: he will less capable in this area of learning and in their ability to achieve things, and doing this will cause a problem that originally only affected mathematics to extend to other parts of their life”, says Bermeosolo.
These are some examples that will help work dyscalculia.
UNO: a popular card game where numbers are very important. This game can help your child learn the numbers and their meaning. There are also a ton of other card games that may help with dyscalculia, like Solitaire, war, and 21. All of these games help train different ideas, like how to make groups of the same number, put the numbers in order, or find certain combinations of numbers.

Activities to help dyscalculia at home
Dominoes: this game may be helpful for your child to associate numbers and practice addition and subtraction.
All of these activities are simple and can be played by the whole family! The child won’t feel pressured to practice and learn, and you’ll be able to spend some time playing with your kids. When it comes to dyscalculia, the most important this is to not let it go unnoticed. Do what you can at home to reinforce what they’re learning in school, and try to add some of these or other similar activities to your daily routine. You’ve got nothing to lose… give them a try!
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably had some kind of experience with dyscalculia. Maybe you’re a teacher or a parent of a child with dyscalculia, or maybe you’re just interested in learning about dyscalculia! If you’re one of these groups, you know that the amount of information and help available to those with dyscalculia is lacking. Some schools are working to create prevention and early detection programs, which is great! However, it’s important to get the word out on this important and prevalent learning disorder in order to get the resources our children need!
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