Postpartum Depression: When Becoming A Mother Changes You

postpartum depression

Postpartum depression is a type of depression that mothers suffer from after giving birth, and can vary from moderate to intense depression. It may occur right after giving birth or up to a year after, but usually presents itself after a few months.

Postpartum depression is a confusing feeling. After giving birth, it seems that you should be full of joy, but postpartum depression is much more common than you might think. It is normal to feel especially emotional after giving birth, and many mothers go through a period of sadness for a few weeks that may include anxiety, nervousness, crying, and mood swings. With some rest, they usually recover quickly. However, the mothers who have these feelings for a prolonged period of time are likely suffering from postpartum depression.

Postpartum Depression: Causes

The exact origin of this type of depression is still unknown. It is obvious, however, that the hormone levels of women just before and right after birth can greatly influence their mood.

Aside from hormonal factors, there may also be other factors that cause postpartum depression: the changes that pregnancy has on the body, changes caused by social or work factors, exhaustion, worries of being a mother for the first time, and lack of time for themselves.

There are some other factors that make a woman more likely to have postpartum depression:

-Being younger than 20 years old.

-Consuming drugs, tobacco, or alcohol after giving birth.

-Unplanned pregnancy

-Having had depression prior to getting pregnant.

-Having family members that have also suffered from depression.

-Money problems

-Feeling like loved ones are not helping

Postpartum Depression: Symptoms and Treatments

Postpartum depression has the same symptoms as other types of depression, which you can see below:

-Problems taking care of the baby or yourself

-Worrying about being alone with the baby

-Negative or feelings or thought about the baby

-Worrying excessively or not enough about the baby

As far as postpartum depression treatment, it is important that the mother see a specialist as soon as possible. Group therapy can be very helpful, and medications are available if the professional believes it is necessary.

Ask for help taking care of the baby at home. It is important to get some time to take care of yourself and see friends. Talking to them about how you’re feeling may make you feel a little better. The most important thing is to remember that you’re not alone, and that you can count on loved ones to help you take care of your baby and yourself.