How to Overcome Depression During Pregnancy: Why do I Feel Guilty?

We recently talked about postpartum depression, and now we’re going to look at how to overcome depression during pregnancy. Being pregnant and bringing a new life into the world is usually a reason to be happy, but some women feel guilty for being depressed and anxious rather than elated.

Before anything else, you should know that these feelings are more common than you think, and even though it’s a complicated time, it can usually be treated by happiness. We’ll give you a few options to treat this problem. You can choose one that’s best adapted to your situation, or try a few and see which one fits you best. It doesn’t matter how you treat depression, the important thing is that you do it as soon as you can.

overcome depression during pregnancy
How to overcome depression during pregnancy

Keep busy

Depression shouldn’t keep you from your daily activities. If it does, it can affect your social relationships and overall state of being which only exacerbates the negative feelings. To keep this from happening, you have to fill your day with productive activities that you like. This way, you’ll be busy and feel useful, which can be very helpful to pull yourself out of a depression.

Establishing a daily routine can be practical. Humans need to feel safe and be able to anticipate what’s going to happen. Plan some daily activities, like going to lunch with a friend, reading, or taking a relaxing bath. These kind of planned actions allow our bodies to let its guard down and relax for a few minutes. If you think spending time relaxing isn’t productive, keep in mind that being a mother is a full-time job with no days off. Grabbing a few minutes just for yourself isn’t a crime.

Exercise regularly. Exercise and sex produce dopamine and endorphins, two hormones that are related to happiness and are very important during pregnancy. You don’t have to run a marathon, but some yoga or other relaxing exercises can be very helpful. Exercise also helps keep our weight under control and feeling attractive, something that many pregnant women have trouble with. Before starting a new sport or exercise routine, find out what kind of exercises are best for pregnant women.

Lastly, make sure you get some rest. Pregnancy can be stressful and it will be easier to get through if you’re well rested. Try to meditate and take naps whenever you can.

Learn how to manage your emotions

Be honest with your loved ones and tell them how you’re feeling. Having people who help and support you can help you overcome depression during pregnancy. Feeling loved and surrounded by friends can keep you from feeling alone, which is something that can make depression permanent.

If you feel guilty about something, try to be more understanding with yourself and try to forgive yourself. This tip also applies to your loved ones. It’s important not to blame them for something they didn’t do. When you’re pregnant, your emotions will be heightened and it may cause you to react to situations differently than you normally wouldn’t. Try to be kind to yourself and others.

Pay attention to the negative thoughts that make you depressed. We often have a hard time recognizing these thoughts, or we even pretend they don’t exist. It’s important to figure out which are the toxic thoughts that cause you pain and make you feel bad, so you can learn to change them for positive thoughts. When you’re able to do this, you’ll feel a lot better. Also, try not to think too far in the future. Live in the moment and don’t worry too much about what’s going to happen further down the road. If you’re having a hard time coping with your emotions and negative thoughts, going to therapy may be a good option.

Understand pregnancy and depression

You have to understand the symptoms that cause depression during pregnancy to be able to understand yourself. This is a list of the more common symptoms:

Problems sleeping

-Nutrition problems


-Little attachment to the baby


-Problems feeling pleasure

Low self-esteem

If you have one or multiple symptoms, remember that it’s more common than you think. You can always go to a professional if you feel like you need more help. They’ll be able to rule out any more serious causes and give you more tips on how to overcome depression during pregnancy.

Aside from the typical symptoms of depression, there are some factors that may start before your pregnancy that may make you prone to depression during pregnancy. These are some factors:

-Negative experiences and recent stresses

-Problems with an important relationship

-Predisposition to anxiety and depression

-Miscarriages or previous complications

-Physical or emotional abuse

-Dysfunctional thoughts and emotional instability

If any of these things have happened to you, it’s understandable that you would have depression during pregnancy. It’s important to be around people who love and understand you, because it’s the first step to overcoming depression. The rest is up to you. You can do it!