11 Alzheimer’s symptoms to detect it in time
When one of our family members starts to have memory peoples, we ask ourselves if perhaps they’re showing symptoms of Alzheimer’s. We should really only worry if these distractions have important consequences, or if we can see changes in their personality. If you reach a point where you can’t recognize them anymore, it is a solid sign that you should see a professional.
If the issues that our loved one faces are not as pronounced, we have provided you with a list of Alzheimer’s symptoms so you can identify it correctly. These cases can be complicated, and it is important to really think about the situation before deciding that someone has Alzheimer’s.

Alzheimer’s symptoms
1. They have a hard time understanding visual images and the way they related to objects around them.
In some cases, vision problems may be a symptom of Alzheimer’s. Reading, calculating distances, and distinguishing colors may be difficult, which can cause problems while driving.
2. Trouble doing everyday tasks
Things that they did everyday are now more difficult. You forget an address or have trouble calculating expenses, and maybe even forget details about your favorite hobbies.
3. Loss of resolution ability
Those who have Alzheimer’s may also lose part of their ability to follow orders or do calculations. They cannot concentrate how they used to and they take longer to do daily tasks.
4. Memory loss
This is one of the main symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. You may forget new information or an important event. As the disease advances, it is more and more difficult to remember things, which is why it is common to take notes or ask someone close to you to remind you of your commitments.
5. Feeling disoriented
Those who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease may forget where they are or how they got there. They may also forget dates and not realize that time has passed. They have difficulties remembering things that aren’t currently happening.
6. Problems speaking and writing
There are difficulties maintaining a conversation: you may forget what you were talking about and not know how to continue, or repeat things that you’ve already said. You may also have a hard time remembering some words.
7. Making bad decisions
Those who have Alzheimer’s may suffer from a loss of sensibility or poor judgment when they make a decision. They don’t worry about what they do, and they may spend lots of money on something insignificant.
8. Inactivity
An Alzheimer’s patient may lose interesting in things that they usually enjoy. This may be because they are nervous to make a mistake or because they don’t remember the details of these activities.
9. Changes in mood and personality
People with Alzheimer’s may feel lost an insecure, which causes mood swings.
10. Low energy level
It is often frustrating for people who suffer from Alzheimer’s to do daily tasks, which seems like lack of motivation. However, they often make enough of an effort to finish a task or chore, but don’t want to make more mistakes.
11. Put things in weird places
Putting things in places where they don’t belong is also a sign of Alzheimer’s. This is because of the difficulty remembering their own steps and being able to recall them. This is why those who have Alzheimer’s tend to lose things, or even accuse others of robbing them.