Do You Think Your Child Might Have Dyscalculia? Take The Online Dyscalculia Quiz
Dyscalculia is a learning disorder characterized by a difficulty learning mathematical operations, numbers, and symbols. If you think your school-aged child might have dyscalculia, take the online dyscalculia quiz below to find out whether you should consider the full cognitive dyscalculia assessment.
![Online Dyscalculia Quiz](
[rapid_quiz question=”Do you have trouble recognizing mathematical symbols?” answer=”No” options=”No|Yes|Sometimes” notes=”A red X indicates that you have this symptom of dyscalculia. A green checkmark indicates that you do not have this symptom”]
[rapid_quiz question=”Do you have trouble remembering basic mathematical structures (1+1=2)” answer=”No” options=”No|Yes|Sometimes” notes=”A red X indicates that you have this symptom of dyscalculia. A green checkmark indicates that you do not have this symptom”]
[rapid_quiz question=”Do you often have to use your fingers to count?” answer=”No” options=”No|Yes|Sometimes” notes=”A red X indicates that you have this symptom of dyscalculia. A green checkmark indicates that you do not have this symptom”]
[rapid_quiz question=”Do you start problems in the wrong order? For example, subtracting starting at the right instead of the left.” answer=”No” options=”No|Yes|Sometimes” notes=”A red X indicates that you have this symptom of dyscalculia. A green checkmark indicates that you do not have this symptom”]
[rapid_quiz question=”Do you have trouble carrying numbers while adding or subtracting” answer=”No” options=”No|Yes|Sometimes” notes=”A red X indicates that you have this symptom of dyscalculia. A green checkmark indicates that you do not have this symptom”]
[rapid_quiz question=”Do you have a hard time reasoning? For example, the answer to a problem doesn’t make sense” answer=”No” options=”No|Yes|Sometimes” notes=”A red X indicates that you have this symptom of dyscalculia. A green checkmark indicates that you do not have this symptom”]
[rapid_quiz question=”Do you have a hard time doing basic math in your head?” answer=”No” options=”No|Yes|Sometimes” notes=”A red X indicates that you have this symptom of dyscalculia. A green checkmark indicates that you do not have this symptom”]
[rapid_quiz question=”Do you have trouble understanding spoken or dictated problems?” answer=”No” options=”No|Yes|Sometimes” notes=”A red X indicates that you have this symptom of dyscalculia. A green checkmark indicates that you do not have this symptom”]
[rapid_quiz question=”Do you have a hard time telling time or differentiating between right and left?” answer=”No” options=”No|Yes|Sometimes” notes=”A red X indicates that you have this symptom of dyscalculia. A green checkmark indicates that you do not have this symptom”]
[rapid_quiz question=”Do you have trouble putting numbers in order? For example, repeating numbers or writing numbers out of order?” answer=”No” options=”No|Yes|Sometimes” notes=”A red X indicates that you have this symptom of dyscalculia. A green checkmark indicates that you do not have this symptom”]
If you received 7 or more incorrect answers, we strongly recommend that you take our full dyscalculia assessment and follow-up training program to improve the symptoms of dyscalculia.
CogniFit works by training the cognitive skills scientifically proven to be apparent in people with dyscalculia. By training the weakest cognitive skills, the user will have a better chance of improving these cognitive functions, ultimately decreasing their cognitive symptoms of dyscalculia.
Alejandra is a clinical and health psychologist. She is a child specialist with a diploma in evaluation and intervention in autism. She has worked in different schools with young children and private practice for over 6 years. She is interested in early childhood intervention, emotional intelligence, and attachment styles. As a brain and human behavior enthusiast, she is more than happy to answer your questions and share her experience.